Sunday, May 20, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday To My Little Man

Today, my little boy turns two. He is my third (and last) baby. It's been a long and fun road with a few bumps and twists. He was such a sweet and easy baby to take care of.

He was always full of smiles from the time he woke up until the time he went to sleep.


When he was 10 months old, he ended up having to go to the hospital.

It was a long 10 day stay, just me and him.

 He needed surgery on his neck to remove a MRSA infection in his lymph node that was too strong (2 weeks of antibiotics both orally and through an IV were doing nothing).

But, he pulled through and he got better and stronger.

He was back to his usual happy self again (except with a new fear of doctors and nurses).

He grew fast before my very eyes.

And now, my baby is not such a baby anymore! He is always trying to make everyone laugh. Such a ham!

Happy birthday, little guy!

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